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RESVO announces U.S. Patent Issuance of Biomarker for Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders
Title: Biomarker for Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders
Applicant: RESVO Inc., Tokyo
App/Pub Number:US2016/0131663 A1
PCT Number: PCT/UP2014/057227
RESVO announces U.S. Patent Issuance of Biomarker for Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders
OTA, Tokyo – May 21, 2018 – RESVO, Inc., a research and development company specialized in the immune activation-associated neurodevelopmental disorders, announced the issuance of U.S. Patent Number PCT/UP2014/057227 for “Biomarker for Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders.” This patent involves the serologic biomarker technologies which is vital for the development of the test agents of psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders, following the patent issuance in Japan in August 2017.
“We are pleased to extend the intellectual property protection by the new patent issuance in the U.S. and accelerate the market launch in the U.S., which is significantly larger than Japan,” said Yoshifumi Kobayashi, CEO of RESVO.
RESVO is devoted to developing the core technologies of the serologic biomarkers and aims to realize the comprehensive care for intractable neurodevelopmental disorders such as Schizophrenia and autism. Our mission is to develop new treatment strategies for psychiatric and neurological disorders through the examinations based on our core technologies and joint research with the related technologies.
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