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Partnerize、育児休暇プログラムのPartnerize Parentsを全世界で導入




Partnerize、育児休暇プログラムのPartnerize Parentsを全世界で導入


[2018 年 12 月 21 日] 米国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ発 ―― 企業向けパートナーマネジメントソリューションを提供するグローバルリーディングカンパニーのPartnerizeは本日、従業員向けの新たな育児・子育て休暇制度の導入を発表しました。「Partnerize Parents」と名付けられたこの制度では、子育てのための休暇取得や、勤務日の柔軟性に関する規則が定められています。

Employees with children have specific problems in their lives. Partnerize Parents is an introduced system so that these employees can achieve balance of duties and family life together with the company. Those who have been a partnerize employee for one full year can use the following system.

Special childcare leave for primary caregivers (paid)
Partnerize will grant the following paid leave when the newly parented employee is the main caregiver.

Full salary is paid for 6 months
Additional 6 months · Acquisition of half payment leave can be acquired
Return to the original job or equivalent job
Choose a gradual return over 6 weeks

Depending on the country and region, such a system may be called a maternity system, for example. However, Partnerize covers employees who serve as primary caregivers in the first year that they have new children, regardless of gender. This paid bonus is granted in case of childbirth or adoption.

Special childcare leave for non-primary caregivers (paid)
Partnerize will grant the following paid leave when newly parented employee is not primary caregiver.

2 weeks salary Full payment giving a childbirth leave or giving at adoption

Depending on the country and region, such a system may be called a "patanity system", but in Partnerize, irrespective of gender, a non-primary caregiver may be referred to in the first year when the child was newly held Target employees to serve. This paid bonus is granted in case of childbirth or adoption.

New welfare program

At the time of payment for the first payment after childbirth or adoption, we will pay £ 100 or local currency equivalent as a benefit to cover the expenses that will be most recently needed, such as baby clothes and baby food.

Family Day:

Parents who have children under the age of 18 are allowed to take the same "Family Day" vacation as paid vacation, in addition to child illness and school events, as well as when there is a necessity to look after the child in important matters You can get on 5th.

Partnerize co - founder and CEO Mal Cowley said: "We are proud to be able to provide these new aid and allowance for employees who decided to have children, and employees with children will have specific problems as parents. The system is prepared so that employees can live a fulfilling life both at work and at home.By partnerize parents

covering the whole world, vacation and other allowances are made in all countries where our company is based In the United States, since it will be much more content than the standard allowance, I expect it will be highly appreciated, especially. "

Partnerize Partnerize is aimed at increasing sales of developed companies worldwide We will help you build relationships with strong partners that make a big contribution. Partnerize's Partner Management Platform (PMP) is a SaaS-based platform that covers everything from creating, managing and analyzing marketing programs to predicting future outcomes using artificial intelligence (AI). Our real-time technology is used by more than hundred companies around the world. The Partnerize platform utilizes partner programs totaling more than $ 6 billion and is used for transactions spanning more than 214 countries and regions. For more information on Partnerize and for more information on how much a company can realize ROI in partner marketing, please visit partnerize.com / en /.


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